Friday, May 6, 2016

April 24 2015 Chase Log


Insufficient time to get to the best target along the I-70 corridor near Hays and a crappy south target in northeast Texas lead to playing the middle in south-central Kansas. Extraordinarily strong upper level winds on the order of 110 knots coupled with meager instability lead to the only cells south of monster HP in Hays to get sheared over.

With two enhanced risks splitting Oklahoma, it became clear that northern Kansas was the place to be. Unfortunately, multiple time constraints due to the time of year (closing in on finals) forced us to improvise and attempt to play further down the dryline into south-central Kansas. We ended up getting a late start but gradually made our way from South Haven, up to Kingman and finally making our final stop in Pratt. The HP cell that produced the notable tornadoes of the day was already ongoing by the time we reached Pratt. We decided to sit and wait in the Pratt McDonald's as a few attempts at CI were ongoing.

Finally, a TCu managed to push through the strong winds aloft directly over Pratt. The storm began spitting out hail almost immediately and started drifting northeast at a pretty steady clip. We followed it northeast along KS-61 and watched it develop a small, rotund updraft base. Unfortunately, it was the best the storm would ever look.

 As we drew closer to Preston, it was exceedingly clear that the updraft was struggling. Finally, near Langdon, the storm began to fall apart and withered away with it's anvil being blown off extremely far downstream.

We cut our losses and headed to get dinner in Hutchinson as a line of storms went up further west along the retreating dryline. We were treated to a nice lightning show on our traipse back south on 35 but got the added issue of hitting what appeared to be bits of an old wooden dresser just past Wellington, KS. It managed pinched the gas line of the car and made the most ungodly sound I've heard from a car while chasing. We thankfully limped back to Norman without issue.

Chase Stats
Miles Driven: 534
Cost: $35
Tornadoes: 0
Largest Hail: Dime (3/4")
Highest Winds: None

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